Friday, April 24, 2009

Recap of my week **

A lot has happened to me in the past week ..

I have spent a lot of time reading up on baby Stellan, figuring out just what everyone was talking about .. and I have also spent a lot of time praying for him, his mom, his family, and the doctor's that are taking care of him .. and if you don't know his story or even if you do .. please remember to keep all of them in your thoughts and prayers as well .. and continue to wear orange on Tuesdays, until Stellan is all better :)

Now on to a more personal matter, that is definitely less important .. Jason and I had our first real fight since we have been back together .. (January) .. which is not too bad .. seeing as though the reason we broke up previously was because of how much we fought .. it was a silly fight, about how much time we spend together .. something that means a lot to me, but not so much to Jason .. the main point is that we are trying to find ways to spend more time together, which includes me not driving across town every day .. hopefully it all starts to work out :)

Jason started hanging out with Joel over the past couple weeks .. they have a couple classes together .. so they study together, and not they started hanging out on a regular basis .. Joel is a really nice guy .. I think that him and Jason are positive influences for one another :)

A couple of my friends have been dating for a couple months and they decided to buy a house together .. a brand new house on the north side of town, they went out and bought all new appliances, and now .. they are rethinking their house buying .. things aren't going as perfectly as they had been .. but, on a positive note, they have all the paperwork filled out, but they have not closed on it yet .. so I believe that they have decided to just rent something first .. which we all think is a better idea .

We had our garage sale last weekend .. and it went over really well .. i had 4 tubs of clothes, shoes, and purses .. and I left with just 1 clothes basket of stuff :) very exciting, and I will now be trying to sell the rest of my stuff on eBay .. I am putting all the money that I have made, in my Las Vegas fund :) My parents, Jason, me, and some of my parents friends are planning a trip to Las Vegas, for my 21st birthday ! I can't wait !

On Tuesday night .. I had a girls night at my house .. Korren, Stevie, Kirstie, Christy, Natalie, Brittany and me .. we had an awesome time, playing drinking games, and catching up on how much we have missed out on since we haven't had a girls night recently .. hopefully we can continue on with it .. I love those girls so much :)

Tonight we, (Jason, Joel, and I) attended our first Tin Caps game .. Dollar beer night, now they are both passed out in Jasons bed together .. guess that sums up how much they drank :)

This weekend, we are supposed to go camping with our friends, but I am supposed to work .. I really want to go though .. so we'll see if I can get someone to work for me.

Remember to pray for Stellan and everyone around him :)

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