Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My First Blog ..

Today is the big day ! After several weeks of reading my aunt's blog, I have decided to join as well. So, forgive me, because it will most likely take me awhile to get the hang of this. Hopefully it will be sooner than later though :)

I currently attend IPFW University, for Business .. not sure which direction yet .. but I am working on figuring it out ! I work as a waitress at Nine Mile Restaurant and I clean a couple houses to help bring the money in :) I live on the Northwest side of Fort Wayne, so it is quite a drive, to wherever I want to go .. except Wal - Mart .. which is just two minutes away .. yay !

I recently got really into yoga and I love it ! It is an amazing relaxer and completely helps me to get my mind off of everything. Other then yoga, I just study, clean, and hang out with my friends. I also enjoy crocheting .. which my grandma taught me how to do at the age of 7 .. I am working on a blanket for my bed and am about 1/3 of the way done :)

I have one sister and one brother.
Alex will be 18 in June .. so for mother's day, we are going to take my mom gambling at Soaring Eagle .. can't wait ! Alex and I are pretty close and talk to each other fairly often, I wish we were a little closer though .. but I hear that comes with time .. hopefully :)
Jack turned 11 in December and just got done playing basketball and will now start with baseball .. which I love and he is now in majors .. which hopefully means more competition and excitement ! I really enjoy going out to watch him participate in sporting or school events. We talk to one another nearly everyday .. that way we can stay close . since I no longer live at home .

I recently lost my grandpa Jim .. and have a more difficult time accepting it .. then I ever imagined that I would .. but as with everything, it will just take time .

That's all I have got for now ..


  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I hope that it is as rewarding for your as it has been for me! If I can help in any way or answer any questions, let me know!


  2. Natalie,
    I am very excited about my new blog and twitter life :)
    but I was wondering .. how do you get your signature at the end of your posts ?



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